As with all things fitness, the answer invariably is “it depends.” How often you should lift weights is not a simple cookie cutter answer. Just like how much food should you eat, or how much money should you be spending; how often you lift weights is very personal and depend on a variety of factors. […]

Goal Setting, Workouts

July 24, 2023

How often should you lift weights?

In 2017 I had just come off a hard season of my life. I had lost a friend (she didn’t die, we simply parted ways) who I was going to open a gym with. I took the split hard, and felt lost for a while. I had spent so much time and energy preparing for […]

Goal Setting

April 17, 2023

I am not Ironman

Far too often we are bombarded with the onslaught of 30 day challenges, 21 day fixes, starting next Mondays, starting after the holiday, the vacation, the birthday celebration or whatever. We set lofty goals for ourselves. Why? Because we are hard core, we are motivated, and we are probably sick of facing our shame and […]

Goal Setting

April 10, 2023

The Goals We Love to Hate

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